We are a coalition of parents, students, community organizations, and civil rights advocates who support whole, healthy, neighborhood schools in El Paso. Our public schools are under attack. Anti-public school and charter school businesses have succeeded in shutting down public schools and laying off dozens of teachers for the sake of their private profit. Our coalition seeks to project our public schools and provide them with with the resources our students deserve.

Somos una coalición de padres, estudiantes, organizaciones comunitarias y defensores de los derechos civiles que apoyan escuelas comunitarias integrales y saludables en El Paso. Nuestras escuelas públicas están bajo ataque. Empresas anti-escuelas públicas y escuelas charter han logrado cerrar escuelas públicas y maestros para su beneficio privado. Nuestra coalición busca proyectar nuestras escuelas públicas y brindarles los recursos que nuestros estudiantes merecen.

The Save Our Schools Coalition is non-partisan and does not support or oppose any candidate for public office, political party, or partisan issue.

Coalition Members

About us

In 2024, El Paso Independent School District planned to close 20% of its elementary schools (10 schools). Our movement saved 2 of 10 schools on the chopping block–Hillside and Park Elementary. We also delayed the shutting down of two schools–Stanton and Travis Elementary. These concessions were not guaranteed or inevitable. They were the result of the hundreds of community members who organized to pressure EPISD to do the right thing. The struggle continues! We deserve an EPISD Board that commits to defending public schools.

May 2025 School Board Elections

May 3, 2025 is the next school board election. 4 out of the 7 Trustee seats are up for re-election. These are Districts 1, 3, 4, and 5. The Save Our Schools Coalition is hosting Candidate Forums for our community to get to know the candidates better. Where to they stand on important issues of protecting public schools?

  • District 1 & 3 School Board Candidate Forum (Central). Wednesday, February 19, 5:30 – 8pm MST. RSVP here

  • District 1 & 3 School Board Candidate Forum (Northeast). Wednesday, February 26, 5:30 – 7:30pm MST. RSVP here


The Save Our Schools Coalition has asked EPISD Trustee candidates to answer a survey on where they stand on important issues for public schools. Here is how they responded:

Get involved

Interested in getting more involved?

Call or text this number (915) 209-2128
